Closing date for nominations is April 30, 2023.

Do you know a sister or sisters who have done outstanding work on women’s issues in the Union?
CUPE Ontario’s Women’s Committee wants to hear from you for their Sisters in Solidarity Award.
The award shall be presented at CUPE Ontario’s Annual Convention.
The Committee seeks a sister, a group of sisters or a women’s committee within a Local or District Council which:
- Demonstrated through actions a deep commitment to women’s issues, equity, and social justice;
- Worked to break barriers and increase women’s participation within CUPE;
- Worked to strengthen and support CUPE sisters in the Union, the workplace, or in the community;
- Helped CUPE demonstrate leadership in women’s issues and women’s participation in CUPE and the labour movement.
Please note that CUPE staff and members of CUPE Ontario’s Women’s Committee who sit on the Award Selection Committee are not eligible for the award.
The Committee will also accept self-nominations.
The Sisters in Solidarity Award will take two (2) forms:
- a plaque to be mounted in the CUPE Ontario office which will list the names of each year’s award recipient. The plaque will feature the Sisters in Solidarity graphic, and
- a gift to be presented to the recipient, preferably at the CUPE Ontario Convention as determined by the Nomination Committee. The gift should be prepared by a woman artist who is either from the recipient’s area or from the area where the Convention is taking place.
The Nomination Committee will make appropriate arrangements for the gift to be presented at the CUPE Ontario Convention and CUPE Ontario will make appropriate arrangements for the plaque to be produced and maintained in a public area of the CUPE Ontario office. There is no monetary gift to be presented to the recipient and the gift shall not exceed a total cost of $200.00.
Nomination Form
Closing date for nominations is April 30, 2023.