Communities Not Cuts
We are close to 80,000 workers making 444 Ontario municipalities better places to live.
The CUPE Ontario Municipal Workers committee (OMW) is a body of CUPE locals representing people who work for municipalities. We are 90,000 people who maintain roads, operate water and sewage plants, perform clerical and technical duties, install and repair traffic lights, deliver social services, maintain our parks, collect garbage and recycling, keep the streets clean and do many, many more things that make our towns and cities work.
OMW keeps a close eye on collective bargaining, pensions, legislation and other political and social justice issues. We coordinate campaigns against concessions and contracting out, and give workers a voice in protecting the municipal services we all rely on.
CUPE Ontario municipal workers work day in and day out all across the province to provide the services we all depend on. In this video, members of the CUPE Ontario Municipal Workers Committee explain a little more about the work that they do, why investing in municipal services is important, and how they are building foundations for the future of Ontario
The CUPE Ontario Library Workers Committee represents members employed municipal public libraries, as well as those in universities, colleges and school boards.
The committee is elected at the Ontario Municipal Workers conference and consists of a chair, one member from the North and five members at large. The committee represents and promotes the interests of all CUPE library workers within our union, to governments and to the public.
CUPE Ontario represents thousands of electrical utility workers across Ontario who have fought back numerous attempts to sell off critical public services and infrastructure. Members continue to challenge the impacts of previous deregulation and privatization attempts and are fighting new threats to sell off public electrical transmission and distribution.
Stop the privatization of Hamilton public transit.
Sign the PetitionWe are close to 80,000 workers making 444 Ontario municipalities better places to live.
CUPE’s municipal sector workers are leading a new campaign: Reclaim our Cities – Repeal Bill 23 in response to the Ford government’s brazen attacks on municipalities.
Send a message to the Ontario Municipal Employees Coordinating Committee – just fill in the form below and we will get back to you.