Cupe ON 2015 Conv Thur 1CUPE Ontario Secretary-Treasurer Candace Rennick greeted delegates in dramatic fashion Thursday morning.

Holding a copy of our loan agreement, Sister Candace informed delegates that every penny of CUPE Ontario’s debt has been paid off. Then, with a flourish, she tore up the agreement.

“The good news I bring to you is that we did it … together. CUPE Ontario is now debt free,” Sister Candace said to loud applause from the convention floor.

She added that with the debt fully paid off, CUPE Ontario will be able to devote more resources to fighting the austerity agenda.

“For the first time in a while, we have real resources to fight back…we can focus our resources on resisting the Austerity Agenda, to stop the sale of Hydro One and other public assets. We can put boots on the ground where they are needed,” she said.

Continuing the good news, she noted in the past year CUPE Ontario has grown by 2600 members as more locals chose to affiliate.

Reflecting on a year which saw the birth of her son Jackson, Sister Candace closed by telling delegates she looked forward to even more dramatic changes in the coming year.

“I want my child and your children to grow up in a province where all the wealth that we and other workers generate through our labour is put to the common good, not into the hands of profiteers,” she said.