CUPE Ontario commemorates this sombre day in honour of the memory of the six people who lost their lives and the many more who were injured in the 2017 attack on the Quebec City Mosque. We also mark the day as a symbol of resilience, unity, and the continuous fight against Islamophobia and all forms of hate.

As a union dedicated to equality, justice, and the protection of human rights, CUPE Ontario and CUPE members stand in solidarity in condemning this heinous attack and the hate that motivated it.  We unite against that hate, even as we support each other in times of sorrow and struggle.

Cruelly, the xenophobia and racism that motivated the attack continue to resurface in other ways, including in the words and actions of some Conservative politicians. These attitudes are reprehensible in themselves, but they are also reminders of the right’s attitude toward those of us who take action for rights, solidarity and equality.

For that reason, we recommit on this day to continuing the work needed to address the roots of hate. We are proud of the work that we’ve done through AROAP and other specialized training, to educate CUPE Ontario’s executive and members about racism and Islamophobia.  We recognize that Muslims around the world and here at home, including in our union, continue to face discrimination, violence, and prejudice because of their faith, and we know that we have much more to do.

This awareness fosters our understanding and empathy, the building blocks of a more inclusive and compassionate society. By standing together in remembrance and solidarity, we can live up to our collective responsibility to ensure that all in our communities are safe, protected and valued.