1225 Lauzon Rd
Windsor, ON N8S 3M9

The Windsor community is coming together to halt proposed changes to child care regulations that fly in the face of all accepted research and knowledge about child development. The changes also pose potential safety risks to 12- to 18-month-olds who, with the stroke of a pen, will no longer be cared for as infants but grouped with toddlers up to 2 years.
“This is the third time the Liberal government has attempted to change regulations around child-to-staff ratios and the third time we have had to mount a campaign to defend our children’s care,” said Kim Gilbert, who is a parent, early childhood educator (ECE) and child care representative for the Ontario Division of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE).
“The changes were disgraceful then and they’re disgraceful now.”
- Lisa Gretzky, MPP for Windsor West
- Cheryl Hardcastle, MP for Windsor–Tecumseh
- Kim Gilbert, Social Services Committee Child Care representative for the Ontario Division of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE)
- Diane Pettinato, Supervisor, ABC Day Nursery of Windsor
- Alicia De La Hamaide, Registered Early Childhood Educator