July 7, 2021 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm America/Toronto Timezone

In February of this year, Laurentian University legally declared insolvency under the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (CCAA) and announced that it would begin to restructure its operations with the help of the international firm EY (formerly Ernst & Young), a strong proponent of neoliberal education.

This move was shocking for so many communities and workers: for the 4 universities and academic communities in the Laurentian federation, for Sudbury and Northern Ontario, for the Indigenous and Franco-Ontarian communities, and for the postsecondary and public sectors more broadly.

Join us virtually Wednesday, July 7th at 6pm for a solidarity action! We’ll be phoning relevant politicians at the provincial and federal level to express our anger, concerns and demands. But first, we’ll briefly examine what happened at Laurentian University and outline the devastating implications of the CCAA restructuring process for the entire university sector.

This event has been organised and/or endorsed by the following organisations:

  • CUPE Ontario University Workers’ Coordinating Committee
  • Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations
  • Save Our Sudbury
  • CUPE 3902
  • University of Toronto Faculty Association

To attend this event, follow this Zoom meeting invitation at 6:00pm EDT on Wed. 7 July:

Topic: The Laurentian Insolvency Crisis and the CCAA – University of Toronto Solidarity Phone Zap
Time: Jul 7, 2021 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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