First Pickering Place
4 1550 Kingston Rd, Pickering, ON L1V 6W9

On March 25, CUPE, SEIU, and Unifor workers from all sectors of healthcare will mount a car cavalcade outside Minister of Finance Peter Bethlenfalvy MPP’s office in support of their campaign to demand respect, protection, and adequate compensation: Respect Us, Protect Us, Pay Us.
Following the overstress of health care resources and failure of Ontario’s long-term care system during the COVID-19 pandemic, health care workers are uniting to demand action from the Ford government.
The following are their demands for respect, protection, and better pay for women in healthcare:
• Reverse the staff exodus in health care by turning exploitative part-time work into full-time jobs with benefits
• Provide paid-sick leave for Covid-19 related illnesses and providing pay while staff await Covid-19 test results or are in isolation
• Provide the PPE that health care workers need to work safely
• Make the initial $4 per hour “pandemic pay” available to all healthcare workers and made permanent going forward
RSVP using the form on this page.
10:30am, Thursday, March 25
1550 Kingston Rd, Pickering, ON L1V 1C3
We will meet in the parking lot and then take our cavalcade into the community.