March 8, 2021 all day America/Toronto Timezone

On March 8, CUPE, SEIU, and Unifor health and long-term care workers will launch their campaign to demand respect, protection, and adequate compensation for all health care workers: Respect Us, Protect Us, Pay Us. 

Following the overstress of health care resources and failure of Ontario’s long-term care system during the COVID-19 pandemic, health care workers are uniting to demand action from the Ford government.

The campaign will officially launch on International Women’s Day in recognition of the fact that a significant number of health and long-term care workers are racialized women workers subject to low pay, precarious work conditions.

Download the English posterFrench posterEnglish logo, and French logo.  

We are asking CUPE health and long-term care locals to take photos of your members wearing the stickers and holding up the posters.

If you are a hospital worker send your photos to [email protected]. If you are a long-term care worker, email your photos to [email protected] or text them to 1-866-821-7273.