December 7, 2021 – December 10, 2021 all day
Virtual event

Click here to view the revised Final Call notice for this conference. Click here to register now, with password “conference2021”.

Click here to view the agenda for the Racial Justice Conference, and click here to view the agenda for the Human Rights Conference. Click here to view the agenda for the Women’s Conference.

We have exciting Racial Justice, Human Rights and Women’s Conferences planned this year, with the themes: ‘Recognition, Justice and Economic Development’ for the Racial Justice Conference; ‘Empowering Change’ for the Human Rights Conference; and ‘Survivors Matter’ for the Women’s Conference. **Please note: the Women’s conference is only open to those who identify as women**

In addition to exciting speakers, panel discussions and guests at our conferences, we will be holding elections for members to be part of the Indigenous Council, Pink Triangle, Racial Justice, Workers with Disabilities, Women’s, Young Workers and International Solidarity Committees.

Please note that all the elections for the Equality Committees, including for the Racial Justice Committee, will take place at the Human Rights Conference, on December 8 and 9. The Women’s Committee will take place at the Women’s Conference on Friday, December 10.

We encourage members, who are interested, to consider running for elections to join the above committees so you can contribute and work on the change we want to see in our unions, workplaces and communities.

Click here to view the revised Final Call notice for this conference. And please see correspondence regarding voting on the Final Call notice’s page 2.

Election Process

In accordance with the Constitution of CUPE Ontario, the 2021-2022 Indigenous Council, Pink Triangle, Racial Justice, Workers with Disabilities, Young Workers and International Solidarity Committees will be elected at this Conference.

Delegates must be from affiliated Locals in order to be eligible to vote and/or to stand for a position in this election. Those interested in standing for a position must have their Local’s support to do so.


If you require Simultaneous French Translation, ASL, or have any other accessibility needs, please complete your request in the online registration form by clicking the link below or contact our office at 905-739-9739, ext 610.