Rally for a Better Mac
OUWCC 2023 Conference
CUPE Ontario Retirees Semi-annual Meeting
Labour Day 2022
On Monday, September 5th, 2022, CUPE Ontario members will take part in Labour Day events in communities across the province. The annual celebration has its roots in the labour movement’s fight for an eight-hour work…
OSBCU Leadership Conference
Click here to download this conference’s First Call announcement. This conference is to be in person; but space is limited to 250 participants. At the conference, we will be addressing both organizing and bargaining issues:…
Dyke Rally and March–Toronto Pride
When: The Rally starts at 1 pm & The March starts at 2 pm Where: Meet at Church and Hayden (635 Church Street). Community Fair / After Party – Allan Gardens Further details of the…
Trans Rally and March–Toronto Pride
When: Community Fair at 3pm. The Rally starts at 7 pm & The March starts at 8 pm Where: Meet at Church and Hayden (635 Church Street). Community Fair / After Party – Allan Gardens…
Toronto Pride Parade
Where: Meet at the corner of Charles Street and Ted Rogers Way – look for the pink CUPE Ontario flags! People with disabilities or mobility issues will be given priority for riding on the float.…