Thunder Bay Ontario Health Coalition Meeting
Wednesday, May 10, 5 p.m. at United Way office, 1006 – 715 Hewitson S. All welcome.
Wednesday, May 10, 5 p.m. at United Way office, 1006 – 715 Hewitson S. All welcome.
Kingston Health Coalition planning meeting Tuesday, May 9, 6:30 p.m., 99 York St., Board room in basement. All welcome.
Oxford Coalition for Social Justice, regular monthly meeting 7 p.m. Monday May 29. For location please call Bryan at (519) 456-5270.
Scarborough Health Coalition, upcoming monthly meetings Tuesday June 20 at 6:30 p.m. Scarborough Civic Centre Committee Room 1, 150 Borough Drive. All welcome. For more information Kingley Kwok: 416-835-3377.
Scarborough Health Coalition, upcoming monthly meetings Tuesday May 16 at 6:30 p.m. Woodside Square Library, 1571 Sandhurst Circle, Scarborough All welcome. For more information Kingley Kwok: 416-835-3377.
Durham Health Coalition Ajax Chapter Regular monthly meeting Wednesday May 17, 6 p.m. Location TBA. All welcome. Note: monthly meetings are the third Wednesday of each month. Same time. Location TBA.
Hamilton Health Coalition planning meeting Monday, May 15, 6 p.m. 350 Kenilworth Ave. N. All welcome.
Windsor Health Coalition planning meeting Thursday, May 11, 7 p.m. Unifor, 1855 Turner Rd. All welcome.
Guelph Wellington Health Coalition It’s Time to Care Campaign event. Guelph Farmer’s Market every Saturday, 7-12 noon. Gordon and Waterloo intersection. Find us at the Big Umbrella!
Peterborough Health Coalition regular monthly planning meeting. All welcome. Note: regular monthly meetings are the first Thursday of each month, same time and location.