October 28, 2016 @ 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Bond Place Hotel
65 Dundas St E
Toronto, ON M5B 2G8
Ontario Health Coalition’s long-term care conference @ Bond Place Hotel | Toronto | Ontario | Canada

Join CUPE Ontario Secretary-Treasurer Candace Rennick as she presents at the Ontario Health Coalition’s long-term care conference on October 28, 2016! Don’t miss this opportunity to deepen our understanding of what is needed to reform long-term care in the public interest, and to forge dialogue between resident and family organizations, care workers and their unions, academics, advocacy groups, non-profit social and health organizations, and government representatives.


Program Overview

  1. Cross-Country Round Up — Report-ins from provinces on the state of long-term care across Canada
  2. Re-Visioning Long-Term Care — Panel discussion: what are the key elements of progressive reform in long-term care?
  3. Round Table Discussion — Key issues for residents and families
  4. Round Table Discussion — Key issues for the workforce
  5. Moving Forward — Is there consensus around key elements of progressive reform? How can we build and invigorate a movement to achieve these?


WHAT:                  Ontario Health Coalition Conference: Reforming Long-Term Care Homes in the Public Interest

WHEN:                  Friday, October 28, 2016 from 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

WHERE:                Bond Place Hotel, 65 Dundas Street East, Toronto


For more information on the event, and for registration details, please click here.