123 Queen St W
Toronto, ON M5H 3M9
Locals are asked to make ALL HOTEL RESERVATIONS through W.E. Travel by cut-off date
March 17, 2023. The guestroom rate is $199 plus taxes, fees, and levies per room.
1(888) 676-7747 (toll free) or www.wetravel.net.
Upon booking, mention OMECC Conference and if you require any special needs accommodations.
Guestroom online booking link:
Registration Fee:
*On-line registration will be closed 5 business days prior to the Conference
Affiliates: $275 by March 11th after cut-off date $325
Non-Affiliates: $435 by March 11th after cut-off date $485
**If you require French or ASL translation please register by the deadline of March 11, 2023
NOTE: All proposed resolutions and/or bylaw amendments for OMECC should be emailed to: [email protected] the Secretary-Treasurer of OMECC 40 days (March 3, 2023) prior to the date of the conference.