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April 11, 2017 @ 12:00 pm
University Ave & College St
Toronto, ON M5G
Toronto, ON M5G

Although pay equity is the law in Ontario, women earn roughly 30% less than men.
At a 30% pay gap, a woman will have to work 3 1/2 months into the new year to earn what men do by December 31 of the previous year. Put another way, it will take Ontarian women 15 1/2 months to earn what Ontarian men do in 12–and women who are racialized, disabled, Indigenous, migrant and immigrant, or sexual minorities or gender variant will have to work into May and June.
This is why Equal Pay Day is in April.
Equal Pay Day Toronto
Join CUPE Ontario and the Equal Pay Coalition’s EQUAL PAY DAY ACTION on Tuesday, April 11 at noon at the corner of College and University in Toronto.
Other Equal Pay Day 2017 events and actions
On the street
- Women, come on your lunch break!
- Wear red, because discriminatory pay gaps keep women “in the red”.
- Demand the Ontario government take steps to close the gender pay gap!
On social media
- Follow the Equal Pay Coalition on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube
- Share the Equal Pay Coalition’s messages, and create your own
- Distribute images and video from the Equal Pay Coalition’s Action Kit
In the workplace or at school
- Show the Equal Pay Coalition’s videos to start a discussion
- Download, print, and distribute the 12 steps to close the gender pay gap by 2025
- Contact the Equal Pay Coalition for pin or stickers to distribute and wear
- Wear red as a symbol that women are “in the red” in terms of pay
- With enough notice, the Equal Pay Coalition may be able to help you deliver a workshop or presentation
Speak up
- Contact your local or national media and let them know this is a key issue
- Mobilize your MPPs
- Run an event like a rally or demonstration
- Plan a flash mob