May 13, 2016 @ 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm America/Toronto Timezone
Prince Arthur Hotel
17 Cumberland St N
Thunder Bay, ON P7A 4K8
Kerry Davenport
905-739-9739 x.605

The province has already sold off 30% of Hydro One and is aggressively shopping the remaining 70% to private interests. The same legislation that made it possible to privatize Hydro One also made it much more attractive for municipalities to sell or merge local distribution companies like Thunder Bay Hydro. We need to remind our elected representatives that we will hold them accountable and that there will be consequences for breaking their promise.

There is no sector in Ontario that will not be impacted by the rising cost of electricity. Higher rates mean municipalities, school boards, health care facilities, and social service agencies will have to do more with less, which will make our bargaining much more difficult.

We have included below the details regarding the meeting. Please make every effort to attend this important leadership meeting and bring other members of your local. We want to engage you on this issue and explain why it’s so important that we have all hands on deck as we engage in this fight for Ontario’s future.

Please note: We have scheduled this meeting for a Friday night because the Northwestern Ontario CUPE Council Spring School is scheduled for the same weekend, May 14 & 15. Please make every effort to send any members who are attending the school to Thunder Bay early enough to attend this meeting at 6pm on Friday, May 13th. CUPE Ontario will serve dinner, and our NWOCC will host a social immediately following the hydro meeting.