May 25, 2016 – May 28, 2016 all day
Sheraton Centre Toronto
123 Queen St W
Toronto, ON M5H 2N2
CUPE Ontario Convention 2016 @ Sheraton Centre Toronto | Toronto | Ontario | Canada

Click to download the 2016 Action Plan

Click to see Photographs from Convention

Convention Daily Capsules

  • Click here for the capsule for Wednesday, May 25, 2016
  • Click here for the capsule for Thursday, May 26, 2016
  • Click here for the capsule for Friday, May 27, 2016
  • Click here for the capsule for Saturday, May 28, 2016

Convention Videos

“#FLYpurplewave: Proud to Be Flight Attendants and Safety Professionals

Equality Video

Ontario University Workers Co-ordinating Committee 2016 Convention Video

Health Care Workers Co-ordinating Committee 2016 Convention Video

Ontario Municipal Employees Co-ordinating Committee 2016 Convention Video

Social Service Workers Co-ordinating Committee 2016 Convention Video

Ontario School Board Co-ordinating Committee 2016 Convention Video

CUPE Ontario Convention Video 2016

Convention Call & Agenda

In accordance with Article 4 of the Constitution, you are hereby notified that the 53rd Annual Convention of this Division (Convention 2016) will convene at the Sheraton Centre Toronto at 9:00 a.m. Wednesday, May 25th, and will conclude on Saturday, May 28th, 2016.



May 12, 2016 – Download Draft Agenda

May 13, 2016 – Download Caucuses and Events


Any member who has declared for election to any position, and makes it known in writing to the Secretary-Treasurer no later than March 11th,shall be given the opportunity to provide up to a one hundred and fifty word statement as an election profile that shall be printed and distributed through regular mail and posted online.

CUPE Ontario will not be responsible for translating individual candidates’ election material. [Article 6(b)]

The following positions will be elected at Convention:

  • President
  • Secretary-Treasurer
  • 1st VP
  • 2nd VP
  • 3rd VP
  • 4th VP
  • 6 Members at Large
  • Trustee
  • Northern Ontario Representative*
  • 6 Equality Representatives*
    • Aboriginal Council
    • Pink Triangle
    • Racial Justice
    • Women
    • Workers With Disabilities
    • Young Workers

*Elected in Caucus at Convention

Registration Fee

Credential Type

Fee if on or before April 30th

Fee after April 30th











All hotel reservations are to be made online or directly through W.E. Travel by calling 1-888- 676-7747 no later than May 8th, 2016


All CUPE members can watch the live stream from the floor and be part of the CUPE Ontario Convention by registering for the webcast using the form below.

Click here for the 2016 Draft Resolutions and Constitutional Amendments.


What are resolutions and constitutional amendments?

Resolutions are “statements of resolve” sent to CUPE Ontario by member locals, district councils, the executive board of CUPE Ontario , or a committee of CUPE Ontario.

Resolutions that have been adopted by the membership at Convention 2016 decide the next important initiatives for CUPE Ontario to undertake.

Constitutional amendments are proposed changes to the CUPE Ontario constitution that can modify the structural form and procedures of CUPE Ontario.


How do I submit resolutions and constitutional amendments?

Resolutions and constitutional amendments must be submitted on behalf of a local union, district council, the executive board of CUPE Ontario, or a committee of CUPE Ontario.

Resolutions and constitutional amendments must not exceed 200 words in total.

Resolutions and constitutional amendments must be submitted under the letterhead of the affiliate submitting, and signed by the presiding President and Recording Secretary.

Resolutions and constitutional amendments must be received by CUPE Ontario on or before April 7th, 2016.

Note that you may fax your resolutions and/or constitutional amendments to CUPE Ontario Secretary-Treasurer Candace Rennick via Sue Jeffrey at (905) 739-9740, or e-mail them to [email protected].

However, if you choose to fax or e-mail your resolutions, you must physically mail them to the CUPE Ontario immediately thereafter.


If new developments occur after the Resolution deadline, what is the procedure for sending Emergency Resolutions?

Emergency Resolutions submitted less than 48 days prior to Convention can only be dealt with at Convention upon majority consent of the delegates at Convention.  In addition, Emergency Resolutions must be submitted to delegates for consideration at least 2 hours prior to being dealt with as an Emergency Resolution.

Per capita paid up to receive credentials

December 31

Convention Committee names must be submitted

March 1

Election Material deadline [per Article 6(b)]
(CUPE Ontario will print and distribute flyers for those running for an elected position at Convention)

March 11

Resolutions / Constitutional Amendments deadline

April 7

Hotel Reservations deadline

May 8

Local Assistance form submission deadline

March 31

Convention Awards (Sisters in Solidarity, H&S, IWAC) deadline

April 22

Per Capita payment (late registration fee will apply after this date)

April 30

Early-Bird Credentials deadline

April 30

Access Request form deadline
(Note: You must complete this form if you require ASL Interpretation or Real Time Captioning at Convention)

April 30

On-Site Child Care form deadline (ages: infant – 9 years)

April 30

Youth Camp Registration form deadline (ages: 10 years – 14 years)

April 30

Family / Dependent Care Subsidy form deadline

Post Convention

Constitution committee: 

The Constitution committee meets prior to convention to make recommendations on all constitutional amendments submitted to CUPE Ontario.  The amendments and committee recommendations are presented at Convention based on the order of the day.  In order to participate as a member of the Constitution committee you must be a registered delegate to convention.  The Constitution committee is scheduled to meet in the CUPE Ontario office on April 12th and April 13th.


Resolutions committee:

The Resolutions committee meets prior to convention to make recommendations on all resolutions submitted to CUPE Ontario.  The resolutions are presented at Convention based on the order of the day.  In order to participate as a member of the resolutions committee you must be a registered delegate to convention.  The Resolutions committee is scheduled to meet in the CUPE Ontario office on April 14th and April 15th.


Ways & Means Committee: 

The Ways & Means Committee prepares the proposed budget for the upcoming year along with the Secretary-Treasurer of CUPE Ontario.  In order to participate as a member of the Ways & Means committee you must be a registered delegate to convention.  The Ways & Means Committee is scheduled to meet in the CUPE Ontario office on April 26th and 27th.


Credentials Committee: 

The Credentials Committee helps to pack the convention kits and helps register delegates at the registration desk throughout convention.  In order to participate as a member of the Credentials committee you must be a registered delegate to convention. The Credential committee is scheduled to meet at the Toronto Sheraton on May 23rd


Distribution Committee:

The Distribution Committee distributes official Convention materials on the convention floor.  To serve on the Distribution Committee, you must be a Convention delegate or alternate.

The Credential committee is scheduled to meet at the Toronto Sheraton on May 24th