Please use the following form to register for the Women’s Conference 2024. Note that all registrations must be completed by a member of the local executive. It is important to enter all contact information for each person you are registering, including their unique email address. Each member will receive a QR code for on-site check-in, a personalized email to complete registration, and a link to register for childcare, and accessibility requests. If you have any questions or issues regarding registration, please contact Winnie Lau at [email protected].


Registration Fee:

*On-line registration will be closed 5 business days prior to the Conference.

*No cancellations will be available 5 business days prior to the conference start date.

Affiliates: $350.00 ($400 after cut-off date on October 25, 2024)
Non-Affiliates: $450.00 ($500 after cut-off date on October 25, 2024)


Your local can send as many delegates as you would like to the conference.

Your local must be affiliated in order to vote at the conference.