SEPTEMBER 24-27, 2024

Registration starts at 1pm on September 24, 2024

Conference ends at noon on September 27, 2024

Please use the following form to register for the HCWCC Conference. Note that all registrations must be completed by a member of their local’s executive. It is important to enter all contact information for each person you are registering, including their email address, as each member will receive a QR code for on-site registration. If you have any questions or issues regarding registration, please contact Winnie Lau at [email protected].

Delegates and Voting

  • Accredited delegates are recognized as members who attend from their own Local Union and that the Local Union has paid the registration expenses of the members.
  • There shall be no restriction on the number of attendees from each Local Union, but all attendees must be accredited as in “(a)” above.
  • Notwithstanding the above, for purposes of voting on issues pertaining to the business of the HCWCC, the following shall be how voting delegates are selected from each Local Union affiliated to CUPE Ontario:
Number of Local Members voting Delegates Voting Delegates
1 to 100 2
101 to 250 3
251 to 400 4
for each additional 150 members 1  additional delegate
District Council 1
  • Locals affiliated to CUPE Ontario, which represent both health care and non-health care members shall be allowed voting delegates based only on the number of workers in the health care sector in their Local membership using the above formula.

Registration Fee:

*On-line registration will be closed 5 business days prior to the Conference

Affiliates: $350.00 ($400 after cut-off date on August, 24, 2024)
Non-Affiliates: $450.00 ($500 after cut-off date on August, 24, 2024)