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Your City Needs You!
Sign the Petition
Toronto Stop The Cuts has an on-line petition to sign to let the city know that we value our public services and do not find cuts acceptable. Click the link below to sign the petition.
Making a Deputation:
On July 21st, city-hired consultants KPMG suggested reducing or eliminating the Community Partnership and Investment Program (CPIP) grants. CPIP funding serves Toronto’s most vulnerable communities, including: youth, women, seniors, racialized people, homeless & low-income people, disabled people, LGBTQ people and many more. Recommendations on whether to make cuts to the city grants programs will be made during a special meeting of Executive Committee on Thursday July 28th at 9:30 am in Committee Room 1 at City Hall.
It’s time for volunteers, program participants, funders, faith leaders, small businesses & all other supporters of these community programs to Speak Up for Our City! Here’s what you can do:
a) Register in advance to depute to the Executive Committee on July 28, 2011 at 9:30 am at City Hall about the value of programs delivered through CPIP’s grants. Prepare to speak for 3-5 minutes on the value of the programs you have benefited from & tell your story to city councillors.
TO REGISTER: Email: [email protected] or Call: 416-392-6627 by July 27, 2011 at 4 pm
Is it your first time deputing? You can follow this step-by-step How-to guide to plan your deputation:
Unable to show up in person to depute? Submit your deputation in writing to [email protected] and copy the City Manager as well at [email protected].