About us
The mandate of the Climate Justice Committee is to advance CUPE Ontario’s member education, public policy and action to combat the impact of the global climate crisis on Ontario workers, communities and our places of work. Climate change is real and happening now. We need a healthy, clean, and green environment to have good jobs and strong communities.
Other Campaigns
As workers, we care about the planet, jobs. and clean and liveable communities. Collective action in response to the climate emergency can make big changes. CUPE Ontario’s Climate Justice committee needs you to join the fight for the future of our planet.
Where can CUPE Ontario locals begin? Right here, with a wealth of information, tools and ideas for taking action on the environment.
Let’s do this! Take the ideas in the toolkit Your Blueprint for a Green Union and get going in your workplace!
Your Blueprint for a Green Union
We created a toolkit for taking action on the environment in your local. CUPE Ontario’s Climate Justice Committee urges locals to take the ideas in this toolkit and use them as part of a collective approach for tackling climate change.