The 59th Annual CUPE Convention, in person this year is fast approaching! Please note this year’s Convention is happening May 31 to June 3, 2023.
This message is intended to provide friendly notice on the deadlines and timelines for Per Capita payments as it is related to the eligibility to receive credentials for Convention.
Payment up to and including October / November / December 2022 Per Capita Tax to CUPE Ontario must be received in order to receive the Locals registration credentials for the CUPE Ontario Convention, if your Local plans to attend.
To be entitled to representation at Convention, each Local’s Per Capita Tax payments must be paid on its total membership up to and including March 31st of the year in which the Convention is held. Payment must be received prior to the commencement of Convention in order for Delegates to be able to attend the Convention.
Article 6.7 of the CUPE National Constitution provides that no organization, in arrears two (2) or more months with per capita tax payments to the national union, will be allowed representation at Convention. Please ensure that the CUPE National per capita tax payments for your local are up to date.
If you have any questions regarding CUPE National dues, please call the CUPE National Per Capita line at 1-800-363-2873. Please press option #5 to speak with Linda Marcoux. If Linda is not available, please press option #3 and speak with Linda Marcoux. Please note that this number is for CUPE National per capita inquiries only.
Locals may not have their March wages available in time to send in their numbers. While not ideal, please feel free to estimate your March 2023 payment using your February 2023 wages as a guide. If required, adjustments will be made in the following quarter.
In Solidarity,

Yolanda McClean
CUPE Ontario wants our members to be able to attend all events that we hold during the year. Many CUPE members are parents who need child care to attend union events.
CUPE Ontario offers both a child care subsidy for members who choose to leave their children at home and onsite child care at Convention.
Qualified, unionized child care workers provide an age appropriate program for children under the age of ten. Snacks and lunch are provided each day. Please submit requests by the April 30th deadline.
CUPE Ontario is offering a very exciting program for youth ages 10 to 14. This program will take youth on a learning journey about unions with lots of fun things built in. The curriculum will touch on labour history, benefits to workers and society as a result of unions, the social and economic contributions of unions and the place of unions in today’s society.
This will also be the chance for these budding activists to learn about CUPE’s structure and why the work you do in your Local and at Conventions is so important.
- Please submit your Youth Camp form . Please submit requests prior to the April 30, 2023 deadline.