May 29, 2019 – June 1, 2019

Toronto Sheraton Centre
123 Queen St W
Toronto, ON M5H 2N2
Contact: Meaghan Dixon
905-739-9739 x 611
[email protected]

Convention Call

In accordance with Article 4 of the Constitution, you are hereby notified that the 56th Annual Convention of this Division will convene at the Toronto Sheraton Centre at 9:00 a.m. Wednesday, May 29th, and will conclude on Saturday, June 1, 2019. Sectoral Caucuses will be held on May 28, 2019. Read the first call here.

This year’s convention is about building the resistance to government cuts, to attacks on our rights as workers, and to the rising tide of hate in our province. It’s about activating CUPE members in their communities and combining our strength to defend the public services we all depend on. We are facing a defining moment as workers and as Ontarians. When we stand in solidarity with each other, when we organize and fight, when we build the resistance, we will prevail.


At this year’s convention there will be an election for one trustee.

Any member who has declared for election to any position, and makes it known in writing to the Secretary-Treasurer no later than March 14, 2019, shall be given the opportunity to provide up to a one hundred and fifty word statement as an election profile that shall be printed and distributed through regular mail and posted online.

CUPE Ontario will not be responsible for translating individual candidates’ election material. [Article 6(b)] Please send your declaration and materials to Candace Rennick via David Duquesnay at [email protected]

Registration Fee

This year, locals can send one retiree delegate at no cost.

Credential Type

Fee if on or before April 30th

Fee after April 30th














All delegate accommodations are to be made through W. E. Travel before April 30th at 1-888-676-7747 or reserved online by clicking here


CUPE Ontario strives to ensure that persons with disabilities have equal access to our conferences and events in a manner that fully respects their dignity and independence. Wherever possible, our services are provided to persons with disabilities and others in an integrated fashion – unless an alternate measure is necessary in order to enable a person with a disability to obtain, use, or benefit from our services.

Please submit an Access Request Form to our office prior to April 30th so that we can ensure that any accommodations you require are provided.   We have included a copy of an accessibility form in this convention package for your use.  While we do our best to accommodate last minute request we ask that every effort is made to submit request by the April 30th dead line. Please forward requests to Christine Fera at [email protected].

A representative will be in touch with you prior to convention to ensure that suitable arrangements have been made. Some examples of services that are available are: ASL Interpretation, French translation, wheelchair/scooter access, assistance with registration and in the case of evacuation, real time captioning, large print, electronic materials, serious allergy alert, accessible transportation to off-site events, TTY, and visual alarm, etc.

An Accessibility Liaison will be on site during registration to assist you as required.


All CUPE members can watch the live stream from the floor and be part of the CUPE Ontario Convention by registering for the webcast using the form below.

    Your Full Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Are you a CUPE member?


    Would you also like to sign up for CUPE Ontario e-blast emails?



    All resolutions to be considered at a Convention must be submitted by a Local Union or District Council, or by the Executive Board of the Division, or committee thereof, so that they are in the office of the Secretary-Treasurer no later than Forty-Eight (48) Days prior to the Convention, and must not exceed 200 words in total.


    April 11, 2019 is the deadline for receiving Resolutions and Constitutional Amendments.


    All resolutions must be submitted under the letterhead of the affiliate submitting same,and signed by the Presiding Officer and Secretary of such affiliate [Article 4(h)]. Please address resolutions to Candace Rennick via email (in Microsoft word) to Shadi Golic at [email protected] or fax to 905-739-9740, ensuring that all originals are forwarded to the CUPE Ontario Office immediately thereafter.

    Per capita paid up to receive credentials December 31
    Convention Committee names must be submitted March 1
    Election Material deadline [per Article 6(b)]
    (CUPE Ontario will print and distribute flyers for those running for an elected position at Convention)
    March 14
    Local Assistance form submission March 31
    Resolutions / Constitutional Amendments deadline April 11
    Convention Awards (Sisters in Solidarity, H&S, IWAC, Racial Justice) deadline April 30
    Per Capita payment (late registration fee will apply after this date) April 30
    Early-Bird Credentials deadline April 30
    Access Request form deadline
    (Note: You must complete this form if you require ASL Interpretation or Real Time Captioning at Convention)
    April 30
    On-Site Child Care form deadline (ages: infant – 9 years) April 30
    Youth Camp Registration form deadline (ages: 10 years – 14 years) April 30
    Hotel Reservations deadline April 30
    Family / Dependent Care Subsidy form deadline Post Convention

    One of the most important contributions to an efficient Convention is the work carried out by the five Convention committees.  You must be a registered delegate to Convention in order to serve on most of these committees.  Some committees require you to attend pre-Convention meetings.

    Committee Name Meeting Location Requirements No. of Members
    Constitutions April 17 & 18, Ontario Office Registered delegate 5
    Resolutions April 16 & 17, Ontario Office Registered delegate 7
    Ways & Means April 8 & 9, CUPE Ontario Office Registered delegate 3
    Credentials Monday, May 27, Sheraton Centre Registered delegate 15
    Distribution Tuesday, May 28, Sheraton Centre Registered delegates/alternates 20 – 30

    For a detailed description of the duties and tasks for each committee, please click here


    As outlined, there are a limited number of members per committee.  If you wish to serve on a Convention committee, contact your local and ask that name be submitted to the CUPE Ontario Office addressed to Candace Rennick via Shadi Golic at [email protected] no later than March 6th.

    The Division will be responsible for payment of expenses for the pre-Convention meetings, i.e. per diem ($74 full day; $37 half day), hotel accommodation, lost time and any necessary travel. Travel to be booked through CUPE Ontario.

    Download the Convention Committee form by clicking here.

    Mike Filice                                                                 Trustee

    Read the draft action plan here.