Pink Triangle Committee members, left to right: Rhonda Grigsby, Susan Gapka (former chair), Gabi Millsap, Joseph Di Flaviano, Ali Fraser, Vee Gandhi (current chair). Front, left to right: Mallory Imrie, Nancy Hanschmann. Not pictured: Coline Babin, who was elected to the committee at CUPE Ontario’s convention in May.

Pink Triangle
CUPE Ontario’s Pink Triangle Committee works to create safer, fairer workplaces for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, two-spirit, intersex and queer-identified union members. Through political action and key events, we advocate for harassment-free workplaces and communities.
Pink Triangle Committee members are volunteers elected for a two-year term at the biennial CUPE Ontario Human Rights Conference and represent all sectors and regions within CUPE Ontario.
Latest News
The Pink Triangle Advocacy Award nominations are now open!
Closing date for nominations is April 30, 2025. Click here to access the Pink Triangle Advocacy Award nomination form.
Our first webinar during virtual pride!
Pride 2022
CUPE Ontario has a proud tradition of fighting for equality for all members, and as a union we have pioneered many advances in LGBTQ2S rights.
Members in Action – Pink Triangle:
Pink Triangle Resources
- Looking for LGBT resources? Click here and visit our library of information for LGBT issues.
Send us a message!
Send a message to the Pink Triangle committee – just fill in the form below and we will get back to you.