High turnout and support as CUPE members at Kingston Health Sciences Centre ratify new 4-year contract

KINGSTON, ON – 98 per cent of staff represented by Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) at Kingston Health Sciences Centre (KHSC) have voted for a new four-year collective agreement. The vote turnout and percentage of ratification is the highest in the local union’s history. The 1,400 members at Kingston Health Sciences Centre are among…

Black History Month Statement

Every February, CUPE Ontario urges all its members to acknowledge and celebrate Black History Month.  We also invite our members to reflect on the many contributions Black people of African and Caribbean heritage have made to Canada and our union movement. Black workers have a long history of building the Canadian labour movement and fighting…

New study reveals toxic environment of physical and sexual violence against staff in Ontario hospitals

Kitchener, ON – Sexual assaults, a life-altering concussion, shattered faces, fractured bones, lost teeth, bites and brain injury. These are just some of the injuries sustained at the hands of patients by Ontario health care staff who participated in a major new study ‘Assaulted and Unheard: Violence Against Healthcare Staff.’ Featured in ‘NEW SOLUTIONS: A…