Government’s changes to education include $309 million in hidden cuts that will “inflict damage” on students

TORONTO, ON – Major cuts to funding for staff who support students in school are buried in today’s much-ballyhooed announcement on changes to education, said the union that represents 55,000 education workers in the province. Representatives of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) shared their findings of $309 million in cuts after their analysis…

Joint Statement from Educational Workers’ Unions in Ontario: Supporting Students with Autism

As parents, educators, front-line workers, education stakeholders’ and as concerned residents in Ontario, we strongly urge the government to rethink its rash decision-making on the Ontario Autism Program and put the needs of children with autism first. The Ford government’s reckless changes to the way it supports children with autism – in particular, its cuts…

CUPE education workers condemn Ford government hiring freeze as “starving students of support”

TORONTO, ON – The contempt that the Ford government has shown to children with autism and their parents now extends to all children in Ontario’s public education system, said representatives of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) in the wake of today’s news of a province-wide school board hiring freeze. The union warns that such a…


Doug Ford is looking to increase class sizes and scrap full-day kindergarten. Send Doug Ford a message that as parents, educators, and students, we will not accept an increase to already unmanageable class sizes. Enter your address     Street address City State Zip code Country Your Full Name (required) Your Email (required) Your MPP…

“Get back to class!”: CUPE urges government MPPs to visit Ontario classrooms rather than consult about increasing class sizes

On the first-ever International Day of Education (January 24), the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), which represents 55,000 education workers in Ontario, is calling on the Ford government to send its MPPs back to the classroom to learn how education really works for students, teachers, and education workers in the province’s schools. CUPE makes…

Solidarity with We the Students Do Not Consent

CUPE Ontario members, including more than 55,000 education workers represented by the Ontario School Board Council of Unions (OSBCU), stand in solidarity with students who are exercising their Charter Rights as part of the We the Students Do Not Consent walk-outs. Students are taking multiple actions over two days — including coordinated student walk-outs across…