OPEN LETTER TO ONTARIO HEALTH MINISTER, ERIC HOSKINS: Response to W5 regarding paramedic certification and oversight

Dear Minister, As you are aware, Ontario paramedics are among the best trained, if not the best trained emergency first responders in the country. Each day paramedics across our province save many lives. It is highly unfortunate that a recent segment of CTV-W5 leaves viewers with a different impression, specifically that calling 911 is akin…

Paramedic group representing nearly 8000 paramedics at Queen’s Park tomorrow for vote on PTSD legislation

TORONTO, ON — A Bill that recognizes post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as a work-related diagnosis for Ontario paramedics and other emergency responders will be voted on by MPPs tomorrow. Paramedics and communication officers who are representatives of four labour groups with nearly 8000 Ontario paramedic members among them, will be in the Legislative gallery at…

CUPE paramedics welcome new PTSD Bill

TORONTO, ON – The Ontario government introduced a bill on Thursday that would see post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) claims by first responders automatically approved by the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB).  The move comes after years of effort by CUPE paramedics, other first responders and several attempts by the Ontario NDP to change legislation…