Cuts to overdose prevention fuel worst health emergency in a generation

TORONTO – Today, CUPE Ontario is standing in solidarity with hundreds of concerned Torontonians in mourning the thousands of deaths due to overdose caused by government inaction, and sounding the alarm that overdose deaths will increase after the Ford Conservatives cancelled funding for three currently-operating, and two proposed Overdose Prevention Sites (OPS) across the province.…

CUPE Ontario President Fred Hahn Media Availability to Comment on the Ontario 2019 Budget

TORONTO, ON – Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Ontario President Fred Hahn will be at Queen’s Park today as Finance Minister Vic Fedeli delivers the first budget of the Doug Ford Government. As the province’s largest union with over 270,000 members across the province, CUPE Ontario has serious concerns that today’s budget will negatively…

Building Bridges Building Power - Racial Justice and Human Rights Conference

Racial Justice and Human Rights Conference 2017, Committee Election Results

The following delegates from the Racial Justice and Human Rights Conference 2017 were elected to the respective committees for a two year term: Aboriginal Council Dawn Bellerose, Local 1880 Larry Giffin, Local 3798 Miaco Kuzyk-Hildebrand, Local 4207 Racial Justice Yetti Atilola, Local 1750 Joy Davis, Local 4400 Michael Gordon, Local 1483 Rebecca Jegeshar, Local 79…

CUPE Ontario demands government action on racism and Islamophobia

We have been deeply shaken by the Islamophobic events taking place across North America this past week, from the Trump administration’s “Muslim ban” to the devastating attack at the Centre Culturel Islamique de Québec. We are appalled by the Trump administration’s decision to close the American border to refugees. We must not be silent. We must…

Statement on the shootings at the Centre Culturel Islamique de Québec

We mourn those injured and killed in last night’s shooting at the Centre Culturel Islamique de Québec. CUPE Ontario stands in love and solidarity with Muslim communities everywhere, and with our CUPE brothers and sisters affected by anti-Muslim violence.   CUPE Ontario strongly condemns the attack in Québec and other recent manifestations of Islamophobia in…

International Solidarity Committee statement on anti-BDS motion passed by the Ontario Legislature

On Thursday, December 1, 2106, Ontario PC MPP Gila Martow introduced Motion 36 in the Ontario Legislature. Condemning the work of the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions Movement (BDS) as a ‘hate movement, Motion 36 grossly misrepresents the work of grassroots organizers fighting for Palestinian human rights and calling for an end to Israel’s ongoing war crimes…

Stephen Lewis on unions and social justice A riveting keynote address at the CUPE Ontario Secretary-Treasurers Conference by Stephen Lewis, co-director and co-founder of AIDS-Free World. In it, he speaks of the role AIDS-Free World played in exposing child sexual abuse at the hands of U.N. peacekeepers, the foundation’s work to end child marriage and abuse, and the important role unions…