Thanks to Doug Ford’s Progressive Conservatives, chaos and confusion reign in Ontario

“A clear comprehensive plan to fight this pandemic would force the Ford Progressive Conservatives to confront their ideological blind spots and reverse themselves on issues like paid sick leave, smaller classroom sizes, and appropriately-funded social services. Instead, they stubbornly continue to ignore any evidence that doesn’t fit with their worldview — and are choosing to…

‘These workers are terrified’: Labour groups call for vaccine priority for education support staff

CUPE Ontario’s leaders made the case that on-site staff across the province who have continued to show up for work through school closures and periods of online learning are at high risk of contracting COVID-19 on the job and deserve vaccine priority. “We’re here today to shine a light on the front-line workers whose work…

Ford shoots back at claims Ontario should provide sick leave to those impacted by pandemic

Just as Ontario Premier Doug Ford was outlining the latest stay-at-home order from the Ontario government, CUPE Ontario (Canadian Union of Public Employees) said the announcement was a demonstration of Ontario’s “deep political failure” during the pandemic. In a hard-hitting news release, CUPE said any stay-at-home order must include some sort of legislated effort at paid…