Image shows Premier Doug Ford in a hard hat and reflective vest, in front of power line towers in the background.

Here’s What Ontario’s Biggest Labour Unions Have To Say About Doug Ford’s Anti-Worker Track Record

Worker protections have “absolutely without question, taken a step back” under Ford’s leadership, CUPE Ontario President Fred Hahn told PressProgress. “Not only are they systematically negatively impacting and trying to trample on the rights of workers, but then they try to convince people that they’re doing the opposite,” Hahn said. “So we have double the…

Image shows Andrea Horwath speaking, with both hands raised, with palms facing each other. She stands against a background that shows her election banner.

NDP has best plan for health care in Ontario

Progressive Conservative Leader Doug Ford is proclaiming himself the right pick for working class Ontarians, sometimes even assembling hard hat-wearing workers behind him at media events. It’s a novelty story that’s getting some attention. Working class Ontarians deserve media attention. Front-line workers kept Ontario going. Then they got walloped with job loss, wage cuts, COVID-19…

Image shows one hand holding a cane and another being held by someone.

Looming privatization of home care will hurt staff, clients: advocates

Privatization of home care is a hot-button topic as Ontario moves toward the June 2nd election. Premier Doug Ford’s government has bandied the idea about wanting to bring back a competitive bidding model that started the “systematic privatization” of home care in 1996 under Mike Harris’ leadership. Under the privatization model, for-profit Home and Community…

Image shows Unionized health care workers in Sudbury took part in a lunch hour rally near Health Sciences North Tuesday to call for the repeal of Bill 124 which limits wages and bargaining rights for public sector workers in Ontario.

Sudbury hospital and health care workers rally and call for an end to Bill 124

Unionized health care workers in Sudbury shouted and hollered their disapproval of Doug Ford’s government and Bill 124 at a public rally near Health Sciences North on Tuesday. The event was organized by OCHU (Ontario Council of Hospital Unions) and CUPE (Canadian Union of Public Employees) and was attended by several Health Sciences North employees…

Image shows two medical personnel in white lab coats, with face masks and face shields, standing on either side of a hospital bed. There's lots of medical equipment in the background.

Soaring COVID infections among health-care workers prompt hospitals to cancel surgeries, redeploy nurses

COVID-19 infections of health-care workers — among the highest levels since the start of the pandemic — are resulting in surgery cancellations or delays and reduced emergency department hours and capacity in several hospitals across the province. Staff absences are also forcing hospitals to redeploy nurses to cover for sick colleagues and to ask some…