With ER wait times going up, KW hospitals need to hire 1,200 more staff each year to deal with increased patient needs and rising paramedic offload delays

KITCHENER, ON – Unless Kitchener-Waterloo (KW) area hospitals hire 1,200 staff annually, problems with spiking emergency room wait times and unprecedented staffing shortages will deepen as the population grows and ages, said the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) at a media conference in Kitchener today. CUPE based its call for the 1,200 new hospital…

With ER wait times much higher than average, Lakeridge Health needs to hire 1,200 more staff each year to deal with increased patient needs and rising paramedic offload delays

OSHAWA, ON – Unless the Lakeridge Health Centre (LHC) hires 1,200 staff annually, problems with spiking emergency room wait times and unprecedented staffing shortages will deepen as the population grows and ages, said the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) at a media conference in Oshawa today. CUPE based its call for the 1,200 new…

Ottawa hospitals need to hire 3000 more staff each year to deal with record turnover and resignations, increased patient needs and rising paramedic offload delays

OTTAWA, ON – Unless Ottawa hospitals hire more than 3000 staff, yearly spiking emergency room wait times at hospitals like The Ottawa Hospital Civic Campus, unprecedented staffing shortages fueled by resignations, job vacancies, increasing needs, and higher paramedic call volumes will deepen as the population grows and ages, said the Canadian Union of Public Employees…

“Rife with discrimination against the elderly,” Bill 7 prompts advocates to escalate call for Human Rights Commission investigation into systemic ageism in Ontario health policy

TORONTO, ON – At a press conference held today, the Ontario Health Coalition (OHC), the Advocacy Centre for the Elderly (ACE), and the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) announced they are escalating their call for the Ontario Human Rights Commission to launch a formal inquiry into systemic discrimination in the provision of health care…

“We can’t allow the forcible removal of elders and people with disabilities”: CUPE calls for immediate reversal of the Ford Conservatives’ controversial plan

Toronto, ON – The Ford Conservatives’ plan to forcibly move elders and people with disabilities from hospitals to long-term care homes does nothing to address the healthcare crisis and in fact worsens it, says the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE). “ER and ICU closures, and backlogs of surgeries, are happening because of a snowballing…

Reintroduction of NDP Bill to protect health care workers from reprisals for speaking out against workplace violence needed now more than ever: CUPE

Toronto, ON — Front-line health care workers with CUPE’s Ontario Council of Hospital Unions (OCHU) joined New Democratic Party (NDP) health critic France Gélinas for an announcement reintroducing a much-needed Bill to protect health care workers who speak out about violence in their workplace. The Bill will be re-tabled by Gelinas in the legislature in…

55% of Lakeridge hospital nurses, PSWs other staff physically assaulted at work as pandemic violence surges; new CUPE poll finds

OSHAWA, ON – Lakeridge Health Centre registered practical nurses (RPNs), personal support workers (PSWs), cleaners, porters and clerical staff polled recently report that pandemic tensions are subjecting them to increasing violence at work. 55% of them report that they have experienced physical violence and 52% have witnessed an increase in violent incidences during the COVID-19…

53% of Peterborough/Lindsay hospital nurses, PSWs other staff report feeling depressed, emotionally exhausted as pandemic violence surges; new CUPE poll finds

PETERBOROUGH, ON – At both Peterborough Regional Health Centre (PRHC) and Ross Memorial Hospital, registered practical nurses (RPNs), personal support workers (PSWs), cleaners, porters and clerical staff polled report that pandemic tensions are subjecting some of the highest rates sexual harassment and assault-related violence province-wide. Because of the conditions at work over the last two…

Widespread hospital closures demand urgent attention and real accountability

Unions representing 70,000 hospital workers issue open letters to the Ontario Hospital Association and the provincial government for full transparency and staff support to fix the worsening health human resource crisis in Ontario TORONTO, ON – Today, SEIU Healthcare and OCHU/CUPE, unions representing 70,000 hospitals workers across Ontario, issued open letters to hospital executives and…

PCs must make good on their legislated promise to keep LTC residents cool in heatwaves: CUPE calls for immediate installation of air conditioning in all delinquent LTC homes

TORONTO, ON – By failing to enforce a deadline mandating long-term care operators to install air conditioning in all resident rooms, Ontario’s PC government has again left frail and vulnerable residents to suffer, this time in scorching heat. “The Premier’s lip-service to the importance of air conditioning in long-term care homes just isn’t good enough.…