Fairness for compass food workers

CUPE Ontario President Fred Hahn will call for fair treatment for all staff at Peterborough Regional Health Centre, Tuesday 10:30 a.m.

PETERBOROUGH, ON — CUPE Ontario President Fred Hahn says the Peterborough Regional Health Centre is obligated to take a much more active part in the talks between its food contractor and the staff working in retail food operations at the hospital. Hahn will be in Peterborough at a media conference on Tuesday, July 12, 2016…

Paramedics from across Ontario stand with colleagues in Chatham-Kent over concerns about proposed changes to area’s emergency response system

TORONTO, CHATHAM-KENT, ON – Maintaining long-term, top quality emergency medical response for the residents of Chatham-Kent must be the top priority for the Mayor and council, said Jeff Van Pelt, from the Ontario Paramedics Working Group, at an info picket today outside the Chatham-Kent Municipal Building. Organized by local paramedics, represented by the Service Employees…

REVISED: Overwhelming opposition to making Cassellholme privately-run; poll finds

NORTH BAY, ON — Residents in North Bay and east Nipissing firmly support their taxes going toward resident care at Cassellholme. But there is overwhelming opposition to divesting Cassellholme into a privately-run nursing home, according to an area-wide poll released today. Cassellholme is the only public, municipal home for nine east Nipissing municipalities. Behind the…