OPEN LETTER TO ONTARIO HEALTH MINISTER, ERIC HOSKINS: Response to W5 regarding paramedic certification and oversight

Dear Minister, As you are aware, Ontario paramedics are among the best trained, if not the best trained emergency first responders in the country. Each day paramedics across our province save many lives. It is highly unfortunate that a recent segment of CTV-W5 leaves viewers with a different impression, specifically that calling 911 is akin…

Nothing to crow about when 36 Sudbury hospital laundry staff lose their jobs, casualties of provincial budget cuts

Sudbury, ON — Sudbury Hospital Services laundry staff who today received layoff notices say there is nothing for local hospital officials to crow about publicly, when 36 mostly female staff are losing their jobs.   Last week in the local media, senior hospital staff “patted themselves on the back for doing the provincial government’s bidding…

Kingston hospital staff “give back” to community with donation to United Way Cheque presentation tomorrow at noon

KINGSTON, ON — While providing quality supports for patients is the day-to-day focus for Kingston General Hospital (KGH) staff — members of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) 1974 — “giving back to our community in many different ways, is very important to us,” says local president Mike Rodrigues.   Tomorrow (Thursday, October 13,…

Ontarians are not turkeys, so why would the provincial Liberals try to pull a fast one with our health records on Thanksgiving weekend?

Toronto, ON – “Ontarians are not turkeys and their private health records are confidential, containing information that should not be plucked for its potential asset value to the provincial Liberal government,” says Michael Hurley, the president of the Ontario Council of Hospital Unions/CUPE (OCHU). “It is undemocratic to try and slide this major policy shift…

Provincial funding cuts to blame for situation at Bruyère that shortchanges Ottawa hospitals by $312 million annually

Ottawa, ON — Ottawa’s Liberal MPPs are being urged to stand up for local hospital’s like Elisabeth Bruyère which is struggling with eight consecutive years of provincial budget cuts and a change in the funding formula which ramps down funding. Brian Grant, president of Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) 4540 today said, the “intense…

Long-term care staff urge non-partisan approach to new Bill that increases nursing and personal care for residents

TORONTO, ON – Increasing nursing and personal care levels for long-term care residents should be a priority for all Ontario MPPs regardless of party affiliation, say front line care staff with the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE). They are urging non-partisan support for private members’ legislation introduced today that amends the Long-Term Care Homes…

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CUPE nurses, PSWs at Queen’s Park Tuesday for reintroduction of Bill to increase care levels for long-term care residents

QUEEN’S PARK (TORONTO), ON – Personal support workers, nurses and other long-term care staff members of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), will join the NDP tomorrow for the reintroduction of legislation to improve care levels for nursing home residents.   A media conference to present the new Bill is scheduled for October 4,…

Ontario’s hospital underfunding means 675 less nurses, 2007 fewer hospital staff, $215.3 million a year funding gap for Durham

OSHAWA, ON — When compared with the rest of Canada the Ontario government’s $4.8 billion underfunding for hospitals, means skeleton hospital staffing and much less care for Durham Region patients, a report released today in Oshawa has found. The report (Fewer Hands, Less Hospital Care) compares funding, staffing, nursing, and readmissions in Ontario and other…