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Make care better, safer for long–term care residents, support legislation for a 4 hour care standard: Ontario MPPs urged

PETERBOROUGH, ON — Improving care quality and safety for nearly 80,000 residents in long-term care homes requires the “political will and a non-partisan approach” by Ontario’s political parties to pass legislation that mandates a daily four hour resident care standard, said a resident family advocate, an academic researcher, and front line care staff, at a…

The time for care standard in legislation long-term care residents, is “now” Peterborough media conference set for Monday 10:30 a.m.

PETERBOROUGH, ON — Following tragic stories coming from several Ontario long-term care homes this month, there’s a renewed scrutiny on resident care quality and safety. There is no doubt say Peterborough area personal support workers, registered practical nurses and others working on the front lines in long-term, along with residents’ families, that the crisis in…

Human and economic costs of hospital laundry layoffs far outweigh pittance Sudbury hospital says it’s cutting from budget

SUDBURY, ON — Health Sciences North (HSN) is rationalizing “an unpopular decision” to export the jobs of 40 local hospital laundry workers out of Sudbury by “suggesting it is cheaper” to ship its dirty linen to southern Ontario for cleaning, says Ontario Council of Hospital Unions (OCHU) president Michael Hurley.   “Even if we accept the…

8 years of provincial budget cuts have left Hamilton hospitals overcrowded, without capacity to deal with patient surges

HAMILTON, ON — Hamilton hospitals are having difficulty coping with a surge in patients, “a sadly predictable outcome of 8 years of provincial Liberal (real) budget cuts to our hospitals,” says Dave Murphy, president of Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) 7800, which represents over 4,000 staff at Hamilton Health Science Centre. “In Ontario, we…

1000 hospital staff travel great distances to Kingston rally for end to funding freeze choking Ontario hospitals

Kingston, ON — 1,000 hospital staff from across Ontario will rally on Thursday, October 27, 2016 at Kingston General Hospital (KGH) calling for an end to Ontario’s underfunding of hospital care. Ontario has fallen far behind other provinces on hospital spending since the Liberals were elected provincially in 2003. The province has been cutting hospital…

Oxford County public health workers urge management to bargain and avert a service disruption as early as this Friday, October 28

WOODSTOCK, Ont. – As mediation talks between Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) 1146, representing 33 public health workers and Oxford County begin on Tuesday, the union is urging management to return to the bargaining table with the full intention of bargaining and avoiding a service disruption that could start as early as Friday, October…

Freeze Sudbury hospital laundry contract until investigation clears up questions about the integrity of murky process

SUDBURY, ON — With increasing scrutiny on the outcome of shared hospital services, questions are being raised about the “integrity of the process” used in awarding the hospital laundry contract to an out-of-Sudbury provider. Aside from what Health Sciences North (HSN) has publicly said about the new contract, there is “very little disclosure about the ‘request…