Cuts to overdose prevention fuel worst health emergency in a generation

TORONTO – Today, CUPE Ontario is standing in solidarity with hundreds of concerned Torontonians in mourning the thousands of deaths due to overdose caused by government inaction, and sounding the alarm that overdose deaths will increase after the Ford Conservatives cancelled funding for three currently-operating, and two proposed Overdose Prevention Sites (OPS) across the province. “It…

West Park Healthcare Centre workers join CUPE

TORONTO, ON – Behavioural Support Workers and Behavioural Therapists in the Acquired Brain Injury Behavioural Services Department (ABIBS) at West Park Healthcare Centre have joined the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) after a certification vote held Monday, March 11, 2019. Organizer Deb Oldfield was happy to welcome the group into CUPE. “These workers decided…

Tentative settlement reached between CUPE and Hastings Prince Edward Public Health

BELLEVILLE, ON – The union representing workers at Hastings Prince Edward Public Health, Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Local 3314 has reached a tentative settlement in negotiations with the health unit. CUPE Local 3314 represents approximately 62 workers, including public health inspectors, dental hygienists, registered dental assistants, health promoters, programme assistants, family home visitors,…

PC health overhaul legislation explicit power to privatize services must be removed, says CUPE

TORONTO, ON – Despite assurances from the PC government that they will not use new health restructuring legislation to privatize services, “key sections of Bill 74 are designed to do just that,” warns Michael Hurley, the president of the Ontario Council of Hospital Unions/CUPE (OCHU). One of those sections explicitly removes reference to keeping hospital…

PC’s attack on health system threatens patient care: Ontario health care workers begin vigorous response

TORONTO, ON – Calling PC government legislation introduced today, “a serious threat to patient care,” the Ontario Council of Hospital Unions/CUPE (OCHU) and the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE Ontario), representing 80,000 hospital, long-term care and home and community care staff, will begin escalating actions province-wide to push the government to reconsider its “radical…