Why is a hospital residential addiction program being cut when North Bay had 138 drug-related overdoses since May?

NORTH BAY, ON – In the midst of an opioid crisis that continues to devastate families in northeastern Ontario, an in-hospital residential addiction and detox program – that “helps save lives”, is on the chopping block at the North Bay Regional Health Centre (NBRHC), the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) warned today. Funding cuts…

Crisis Shortage of PSWs in Ontario’s Long-Term Care Homes Risks Safety of Residents and Staff: New Report

Toronto – The Ontario Health Coalition released a new report today developed in partnership with UNIFOR on the Personal Support Worker (PSW) crisis in Ontario’s long-term care homes. The report “Caring in Crisis: Ontario’s Long-Term Care PSW Shortage” is available on the OHC website here. In a press conference at the Ontario Legislature, Natalie Mehra,…

Ontario PCs urged to scrap health service privatization in Bill 138

TORONTO, ON – The provincial government has no mandate to “hurriedly” pass legislation  (Bill 138) which opens health care clinical and support services to aggressive privatization, the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) said today. “Health service privatization seems a cruel holiday gift to people in Ontario who are sick, patients on stretchers in hospital…

New fast-tracked Bill on private clinics and supply chain exposes the PC’s plan to privatize health services

TORONTO, ON – Despite overwhelming evidence that the privatization of clinical and support services in health care has milked taxpayers and exposed patients to infection, poorer outcomes and death, the Ontario government has fast-tracked Bill 138 to facilitate further privatization, the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) charged today. Today appearing before the Standing Committee…

Provincial funding cut to Kingston hospital will climb to $66.9 million by 2023 under Ford Conservatives

KINGSTON, ON – Kingston patients’ access to hospital care and services will be further diminished if the Doug Ford Conservatives move forward with future funding cuts to health care that, in 2023, will climb to $66.9 million for Kingston Health Sciences Centre (KHSC). These cuts will unfold as Kingston’s population is aging and KHSC struggles…

Kingston patients, hospital face grim future under coming PC funding cuts: CUPE to release projected shortfalls to 2023

KINGSTON, ON – Although Kingston’s population is aging and Kingston Health Sciences Centre (KHSC), even before the flu season hits fully, is consistently struggling with patient overcrowding, Ontario’s Conservative government is planning multiple years of deep budget cuts to hospitals. “What’s coming will be bigger because the cuts compound,” says Michael Hurley, the president of…

Media Advisory: A delegation of concerned paramedics to visit Minister of Health Christine Elliott at her constituency office on Friday

NEWMARKET, ON – On Friday, November 15th, at 11 a.m., paramedics represented by the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) will visit the constituency office of Minister of Health Christine Elliott. Paramedics are concerned about government plans to restructure land ambulance in Ontario, and rumours of privatization. Many communities are already grappling with ambulance shortages…