Scrapping Bill 124, that cuts the real wages of health care workers, is the only right thing to do, protestors tell MPP MacLeod

OTTAWA, ON – Ottawa area hospital and long-term care workers protested today at the Nepean office of PC MPP Lisa MacLeod asking her to stand with them to push to repeal the Ford government’s wage legislation that cuts their wages and prevents them from bargaining badly needed mental health supports. They messaged Ms. MacLeod that…

On International Women’s Day, hospital staff call out Ontario’s government for failing and devaluing them and cutting their real wages through Bill 124

TORONTO, ON – Today (March 8, International Women’s Day) we collectively acknowledge the contribution women make to better Ontarians’ lives. “While we celebrate women’s efforts from all walks of life, it’s imperative that we call out our provincial government for pushing wage and workplace policies that hurt economic equality and the health – both physical…

Health care unions: Doug Ford’s ad hoc gestures won’t fix the worsening health human resource crisis

Unions representing 220,000 workers demand the repeal of Bill 124 and a real plan to fix the worsening health human resource crisis in Ontario TORONTO, ON – Today, OCHU/CUPE, SEIU Healthcare, Unifor, and Ontario Nurses’ Association, unions representing 220,000 health care workers across Ontario, including 85,000 nurses issued     an open letter to Premier Ford to…

Right move to add more full-time staff at Peel LTC homes, says CUPE 966, lauding collaborative approach to staffing crisis

Mississauga, ON – Front-line workers in Peel’s long-term care homes who are members of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) 966 are publicly lauding Regional Council for its collaborative approach to the staffing crisis and listening to their appeals for more full-time resident care staff. In a letter sent to the municipal council on…

Bringing hospital, long-term care staff sick with COVID-19 back to work early, dangerous way to deal with staffing crisis say CUPE and SEIU

Two of Ontario’s largest health care unions are asking the provincial government to rescind a new pandemic guidance order they believe creates an unacceptable level of risk for hospital patients, long-term care residents and health care staff by enabling hospitals and long-term care employers to order potentially sick or still infectious health care workers with…

Giving beyond the hospital walls, St. Joe’s/CUPE hospital workers donate $14,000 to Hamilton community groups

Hamilton, ON — Showing that their giving extends beyond the hospital walls and their challenging pandemic work, registered practical nurses, personal support workers, trades, and clerical, among others at Hamilton’s St. Joseph Health Care Centre are donating $14,000 to local community groups and charities this holiday season. It is the third consecutive year that CUPE…

Hospital plans to keep staff exposed to COVID working while awaiting test results are dangerous for patients

TORONTO, ON – Warnings from Ontario’s health care front-lines of staff shortages and inadequate personal protective equipment to deal with airborne infection went unheeded for nearly 20 months by the provincial government.  “Now the staffing crisis is so severe at some hospitals that they require staff directly exposed to COVID to work while awaiting test…

Ontario government’s erratic, ad hoc approach to the health workforce will mean a shortage of more than 50,000 nurses and personal support workers

TORONTO, ON – With health care job vacancies skyrocketing, new long-term care beds and a provincial government fond of “Band-Aid” health workforce approaches, Ontarians will see unprecedented health care staff shortages of more than 50,000 workers over the next few years. More than 59,000 new registered practical nurses (RPNs), personal support workers (PSWs) and registered…

“Because no one should go hungry,” Region of Peel workers (CUPE 966) give back to the community with support for fundraising breakfast

MISSISSAUGA, ON – The COVID-19 pandemic has created income instability and food insecurity for a growing number of Peel residents. With inflation at 4.9% in November, it is getting harder and harder for people in our community to buy grocieries and put food on the table for their families and themselves, says Salil Ayra, the…