Privatization, Precarity, Profit: Healthcare Unions Speak Up for Home Care Services

TORONTO, ON – On Wednesday morning leaders from the Ontario Nurses Association, the Ontario Public Service Employees Union and the Canadian Union of Public Employees called on the Ontario government to prioritize home and community care workers and the services they provide across the province. ONA Provincial President Erin Ariss, RN, OPSEU/SEFPO President JP Hornick…

Health administrators deliver supermajority petition to Carefor demanding better treatment

OTTAWA – There is a network of nurses and personal support workers doing hundreds of in-home healthcare visits to seniors across eastern Ontario every day. It appears seamless, except the infrastructure behind that network – the 70 health administrators who schedule visits, book appointments, manage sick calls and more – is cracking. Those health administrators,…

Hospital workers protest “cuts and chaos” at Lakeridge Health, blame Ford government for underfunding

OSHAWA, ON – CUPE 6364 workers at Lakeridge Health rallied in Oshawa today, protesting “cuts and chaos” in response to provincial underfunding of hospitals. According to the union, hospital management has been eliminating full-time housekeeping and clerical positions, and overloading other workers with additional responsibilities. “This is shameful behavior by hospital management, to cut staff…

Rallying at the Perley gates: health care staff demand better working and living conditions at residential care facility

84 per cent of CUPE 870 workers say they are not staffed well enough to provide good quality care OTTAWA – Health care workers represented by CUPE 870 rallied outside the Perley and Rideau Veteran’s Health Centre today, demanding their employer improve compensation and working conditions to enable better care for residents. The union represents…

CUPE Members working in Home and Community Care Support Services to protest at Ontario Treasury Board to demand a fair deal at the bargaining table!

TORONTO – On Wednesday morning, a delegation representing 1,600 CUPE members working in Home and Community Care Support Services (HCCSS) were offered an insulting wage increase at the bargaining table by the Ontario Treasury Board and the Ford Government. Over thirty members working in HCCSS travelled from across Ontario to bargain a fair wage reopener…

88% of Northern Ontario hospital workers not confident about Ford government’s health sector plan, 49% considering leaving: new poll

SUDBURY, ON – A new poll paints a grim picture about the staffing crisis in Northern Ontario hospitals, as 90 per cent of workers say there are not enough staff to provide high quality patient care, and nearly half are contemplating leaving their jobs within the next year amidst high stress levels, exhaustion, and anxiety.…

85% of Hamilton hospital workers not confident about Ford government’s health sector plan, 44% considering leaving: new poll

Hamilton, ON – A new poll paints a grim picture about the staffing crisis in Hamilton’s hospitals, as 85 per cent of workers say they are not confident in this government’s plan to improve the sector and 44 per cent are considering quitting their jobs. The polling firm Nanos Research surveyed more than 750 hospital…

79% of CUPE hospital workers not confident about Ford government’s health sector plan, 43% considering quitting their jobs: new poll

TORONTO – A new poll paints a grim picture about the future of Ontario’s health care system, as nearly 4 out of 5 hospital workers say they are not confident in this government’s plan to improve the sector and more than 2 in 5 are considering quitting their jobs. The polling firm Nanos surveyed more…