“A victory for freedom of expression and association”: CUPE Ontario applauds judge’s decision that Ford’s election advertising Bill is unconstitutional

TORONTO, ON – An Ontario Superior Court judge ruled today that the Ford Conservative’s expansion of the Election Finances Act to limit political advertising by unions, advocacy organizations, and concerned citizens is unconstitutional. The Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Ontario welcomed the ruling, calling it an important victory for freedom of expression and association…

“There’s no room for discrimination against people with disabilities”: CUPE Ontario and Joel Harden call for consultation and revision of triage protocol

TORONTO, ON – The Ontario Government’s draft plan to ration access to at-capacity critical-care is discriminatory and must be revised immediately, said the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Ontario and Joel Harden, NDP MPP for Ottawa Centre and the Critic for Accessibility & Persons with Disabilities. “The fact that the draft plan says that…

“A Day of Action for the Day of Mourning”: It’s time to redouble our efforts to protect workers

Every year, on April 28, we pause to mourn and recognize workers who have been injured and killed on the job. And while we remember we also understand the fundamental importance of the political work of fighting for the living by redoubling our efforts to demand real safety for workers and the communities that rely…

“Any successful stay-at-home order must include legislated paid sick days”: CUPE Ontario

TORONTO, ON – The stay-at-home order is yet another sign of the Conservative Government’s deep political failure during this pandemic, says the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Ontario. “Every single expert makes it clear that the people contracting COVID-19 in this third wave are essential front-line workers and members of racialized communities,” said Fred…

Cornwall community urged to back call for human rights inquiry into years of systemic ageism in health policies that contributed to LTC COVID-19 deaths

CORNWALL, ON –Advocates asking the Human Rights Commission for a ground-breaking probe into years of systemic ageism in Ontario’s health system are urging Cornwall residents to get behind their call for a public inquiry. The Ontario Health Coalition (OHC), the Ontario Council of Hospital Unions (OCHU) the hospital division of the Canadian Union of Public…

Kingston community urged to back call for human rights inquiry into years of systemic ageism in health policies that contributed to LTC COVID-19 deaths

KINGSTON, ON –Advocates asking the Human Rights Commission for a ground-breaking probe into years of systemic ageism in Ontario’s health system are urging Kingston residents to get behind their call for a public inquiry. The Ontario Health Coalition (OHC), the Ontario Council of Hospital Unions (OCHU) the hospital division of the Canadian Union of Public…

Brockville, Smith’s Falls, Perth communities urged to back call for human rights inquiry into years of systemic ageism in health policies that contributed to LTC COVID-19 deaths

Advocates asking the Human Rights Commission for a ground-breaking probe into years of systemic ageism in Ontario’s health system are urging people in the communities of  Brockville, Smith’s Falls and Perth to get behind their call for a public inquiry. The Ontario Health Coalition (OHC), the Ontario Council of Hospital Unions (OCHU) the hospital division…