Recognize and Resist White Supremacy is our campaign to strengthen the work of naming and resisting white supremacy for our locals, elected leaders, union activists, and staff.
Unfortunately, we continue to experience an increase in public displays of white supremacist, racist, anti-Indigenous, anti-Black, Islamophobic, and anti-Semitic actions.
It is important to understand that these actions do not just result from the election of Donald Trump in the US, Doug Ford in Ontario, or other right-wing politicians. They continue to occur because they are part of the historical, political, social and cultural foundations of Canada.
CUPE Ontario is not immune from the exclusionary politics and white supremacy that we see outside our union – further work is required to bring increased awareness and antiracist political education to more of our members. For example, the debate at the last few CUPE National conventions about equality seats, and the intervention by Indigenous, Black and racialized members at the 2018 CUPE Ontario convention who pushed for an anti-racism organizational action plan, both highlight the urgency for internal action.
As a progressive union, and as providers of public services, we believe in access for all, and we strive for a just society in which all workers can achieve fairness at work, at home, and in society. There can be no economic justice without racial justice. Our work, as part of the labour movement, is to demand justice for all, and to recognize the ways in which working class issues intersect with equity and human rights issues.
It is for that reason that we must take on the work of combatting white supremacy in our unions, in our workplaces, and in our communities.
Recognize and Resist White Supremacy: A Guide for Unions
Click here to download the guide.