Ontario Public Libraries Week (October 20-26) highlights the important role public libraries and library workers play in our communities.

Our theme this year is “Your Library Belongs to You.” Which is very true. Public libraries exist and provide their huge range of services because of funding that comes from you through your municipality.

This week, take some time to consider all the workers who maintain computers that link newcomers and temporary foreign workers to their lives in other countries, who teach us how to use technology like 3D printers that inspire a new generation of engineers, architects and artists, who connect us with the information and resources we need to not only survive, but thrive.

While libraries are ever becoming more wonderful, the challenges faced by library workers have never been greater.

What can you do to support your local library?

The best thing you can do is visit and get or renew your library card.

Library cards are one of the ways that municipalities measure the support and usage for libraries, and are very important when it comes to funding new programming, expanded branches or extended hours.

Use the tool on this page to find out how to get or renew a library card in your Ontario municipality.

Or visit your local library, where staff are always happy to help you!

Then use your card to access a host of services you may not even know about yet – signing out books, ebooks, music, films, even to get access to magazines, newspapers and academic journals. Or to use computers, printers, even 3D printers in many library systems! Or to join a program – your public library is the heart of your community, and your public library belongs to you!

Register for your library card now