It’s most obvious at the beginning of our lives, with skilled child care workers, and towards the ends of our lives, with dedicated personal support workers. But care work is essential at every stage in our lives. And too often it is invisible and undervalued.
There is a crisis of care in Ontario. We see it everyday as 73,000 people languish on waitlists for autism supports; as child care deserts spread, stopping families from accessing the affordable, quality care they deserve; as children are warehoused in motels because there aren’t enough licensed homes for child welfare agencies; as record numbers of people turn to food banks at the same time that social assistance rates push people further into poverty; as community programs and mental health supports shutter their doors.
There are more than 30,000 CUPE workers forming the backbone of Ontario’s care economy. And we are committed to fighting for the services our communities need and the jobs we deserve. That means organizing to push back against decades of cuts and to challenge a culture that undervalues and ignores this critical work that provides dignity for all.
The solution is to recognize the inherent value of care work by investing in every sector of the care economy so communities have the resources they need and workers can thrive.
Write to your MPP today. Tell them to support care work and help create a truly caring economy.