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TORONTO – Discussions by politicians and the media about ‘Dalton Days,’ are premature and need to wait until public sector union leaders have an opportunity to speak with Premier Dalton McGuinty, CUPE Ontario President Sid Ryan cautioned today.

“We’re asking the government and the media to exercise some caution and restraint until the leadership of those unions have had a chance to speak to one another, and then speak to the Premier,” said Ryan.

Ryan’s remarks came on the heels of media reports indicating that Premier McGuinty openly mused to a Chamber of Commerce audience in Niagara-on-the-Lake today that public-sector employees had been ‘sheltered’ in the midst of the recession.

“We wouldn’t expect the Premier to make these sorts of announcements without first sitting down with the leaders of public sector unions to discuss the sort of impact attempts to balance the budget on the backs of public sector employees and the people who depend most on public services could have on the economy and the Province,” said Ryan.

“Public sector union leaders will need to meet first with the Premier to have a discussion regarding the deficit and its impact on public sector workers and the important services our members deliver to the public. Given the fragile state of the economy, discussion of ‘Dalton Days’ and laying off workers could have the effect of undermining the fiscal stimulus Ontario’s economy depends on right now,” he added.


For more information contact:

Sid Ryan, CUPE Ontario President: 416-209-0066
Kevin Wilson, CUPE Communications: 416-821-6641