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Toronto, Ont. – CUPE Ontario tabled a major new anti-privatization campaign to fight P3s in municipalities across Ontario at  the Ontario Municipal Employees Coordinating Committee annual conference held in Toronto from March 26 through 29.

Sid Ryan, president of CUPE Ontario and Paul Moist, president of CUPE National addressed delegates representing locals from across the province.

“We are proposing day-long educationals and a comprehensive campaign model featuring brochures, radio ads, briefings for local councillors and community mobilization materials for any local where a P3 is proposed,” Ryan told participants. “The key to success, as we have found in our campaign in Welland, is an early warning system. Locals need to contact CUPE Ontario as soon as there’s a rumour of a P3. That way, we can educate local city counsellors and the public before the issue ever comes to a vote.”

Paul Moist said the campaign is ‘music to his ears’ and is part of the $5 million allotted in National’s strategic plan to fight privatization passed at convention last fall. “One quarter of our union is municipal workers so we’re going to fight privatization—and the low wages that come with it–at every turn. We’re saying loud and clear that the going rate is the union rate when it comes to paying workers in this and every other sector that CUPE represents.”

Brother Paul also spoke to delegates about the infrastructure problems facing municipalities across the province and the grave deficits facing cities in Ontario.

Keynote speaker John Rodriguez, the mayor of Sudbury, addressed the issues he faces in changing the corporate culture at City Hall and building a more labour-friendly atmosphere.  He also explained the need for mining royalties to go to the City of Sudbury and for the province to provide more funds for infrastructure and court security.

Four representatives from CUPE 855 who were on strike against the municipality of Kawartha Lakes for seven weeks spoke about their experiences, their dedication and solidarity during a long, cold battle.  A collection was taken for their members who will not see a salary for another three weeks. With matching funds from CUPE Ontario and CUPE National, a total of $21,780 was raised to assist their members facing hardship.

Sub-jurisdictional workshops were well attended and feedback from members was good, all feeing that they had learned something, made new contacts, and developed better networks.

Election results saw three new women join the OMECC committee – Misty Gagne from Area 9, Francine Demers from Area 8 and Pam Hambrock from Area 6. Barry Gooding from Area 7 was also newly elected. Re-elected committee members are Terry Milani Area 1, Gil Prieur from Area 2, James Watson Area 3, Paul Norris Area 4, Roy Purdy Area 5 and John Grima, Area109.

Click here for more photographs from OMECC Conference