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RENFREW, Ont. – Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Local 4989, representing Ontario Works staff in the County of Renfrew, is meeting with the County of Renfrew tomorrow, May 9, in an effort to reach a settlement and continue to deliver services residents rely on.

The parties are heading back to the table with the help of a conciliator and the union is hopeful that a settlement can be reached.

“The members voted last week to stand up for the services they deliver. We called on the employer to come back to the table and we are hopeful that we can come to a settlement that represents the work Ontario Works staff provide in our communities,” said Amy Parker, CUPE National Representative.

“We need to work together to make the services Ontario Works staff provide a priority for the County of Renfrew. The key is to maintain service delivery and advocate to secure the funding needed to ensure consistent quality supports for the people and families we serve while ensuring CUPE 4989 members have the resources to do so,” Parker concluded.

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For information:

Amy Parker, CUPE National Representative: (613) 735-3500

Marjorie Savoie, CUPE Communications: (613) 864-9924