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“We will build a better Ontario that protects the pensions of working people,” CUPE Ontario President promises

HAMILTON, Ont. – Busloads of workers from across Ontario converged on Hamilton today to join a massive rally in support of their community and locked out Steelworkers at U.S. Steel.

“Our members are answering the call to defend the pensions and retirements of hard-working Ontarians like those who’ve been locked out for three months by U.S. Steel. We stand shoulder to shoulder with our sisters and brothers in Hamilton and call on the federal and provincial governments to do the right thing and stand up for these workers as well,” Fred Hahn, President of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Ontario said.

Today’s massive rally in support of Hamiltonians is in response to U.S. Steel’s three month lock out of members of Steelworkers Local 1005. U.S. Steel, which has demanded crippling cuts to pensions and benefits, including taking money out of the pockets of current retirees, threatens the financial security of thousands of Hamilton families. Before the lockout, the foreign multinational also laid off more than 2,000 employees, increasing the strain on Hamilton’s economy.

“Every Ontarian deserves what U.S. Steel is trying to steal from this community. Every Ontarian deserves a decent pension and a financially secure retirement. We’re telling U.S. Steel and Stephen Harper’s Conservatives who welcomed them to Hamilton that “Enough is Enough”. The race to the bottom stops here.”

Recently, the Federal Government reneged on its pledge to gradually improve pension coverage for retirees across Canada through the Canada Pension Plan, opting instead to hand Canadians’ retirement savings over to private insurance companies and other financial institutions.

“While U.S. Steel and Stephen Harper want to tear down our parents’ and grandparents’ struggles and sacrifices, we stand here united and committed to their legacy of building a better Ontario,” said Hahn. “It is time for our provincial government to get involved here as well and the first place to start is by re-introducing anti-scab legislation.


For more information, please contact:

Fred Hahn  President, CUPE Ontario   416-540-3979
Christian Martel CUPE Communications   647-270-6775