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People-to-People Solidarity with Trade Unions and Popular Organizations
Three months after the devastating earthquake in Haiti, hundreds of thousands of people remain without adequate shelter, access to health care, clean water and food. While the world discusses reconstruction in Haiti, Haitians are asking, Will there be any, and whose interests will it serve? Our solidarity with and material support to Haitian working-class, community and peasant organizations are critical to their ability to struggle for a just society and resist neo-liberalism.
We must rebuild Haiti. But it must be done in a way that meets the needs of workers and the common people. Strong and effective public services are vital for Haiti’s future. Our unions have been fighting for this for years and resisting the privatization of our national assets.Dukens Raphael
Hear: Brother Dukens Raphael
Haitian Trade Unionist
Secretary General of the Confederation of Workers of Public and Private Sectors (CTSP); spokesperson for the Union of Electrical Workers of Haiti
Date: Monday, April 26, 2010 at 7 pm
Location: Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
252 Bloor Street West, Toronto; Room 2-214 (next to the St. George subway station)
Organized by: Pan-African Solidarity Network (U of T), Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE Ontario), Toronto Haiti Action Committee (THAC)
Co-sponsors: Ontario Federation of Labour, Toronto and York Region Labour Council, Latin American Trade Unionists Coalition (LATUC), CUPE Local 3907, CUPE Local One, CUPE Local 3902, Coalition of Black Trade Unionists (Ontario), Ontario Public Service Employees’ Union (OPSEU)
Free admission
More information: Email – [email protected]; THAC (416) 731-2325
Read the interview between Dukens Raphael and CUPE BC here
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