Cancel the Cuts - Protect Our OMERS Pensions


Thank-you to all who applied to be trained as an OMERS Activist.

We are pleased to say we’ve had an overwhelming number of applications for OMERS Pension Activist Training. In fact, over 500 CUPE/OMERS members applied, and more inquiries are coming in every day.

We are currently working through the applications and will be finalizing the first groups of OMERS activist trainees soon.

Our goal is to train as many OMERS pension activists as possible; if you are not selected for February’s round of training sessions, we will alert you when the next training sessions are scheduled.

Again, please accept our sincere thanks for your interest in helping protect OMERS pensions from cuts.

In Solidarity,
CUPE Ontario

Our OMERS pension plan has been under attack in recent years, but you can help reverse the cuts.

Train with CUPE Ontario to be an OMERS Pension Activist

Saturday & Sunday, February 25-26, 2023

Participants will have the option to attend in-person at Sheraton Centre Toronto, 123 Queen St W Toronto, ON Canada or virtually. The two sessions will be run simultaneously, but there is no option for hybrid.

CUPE Ontario will hold two full days of pension education, skills-building, and campaign strategizing as we gear up to defend our OMERS pensions in 2023 and beyond.

What you’ll learn:

  • The history of cuts at OMERS: The OMERS corporate boards and executives have been on the offensive against plan members and our unions – and more concessions could be coming.
  • How pension plans work: find out what’s wrong at OMERS, meet other union activists, and play a leadership role in CUPE Ontario’s campaign.
  • How we can cancel the cuts: We can protect OMERS and prevent further cuts by building a cross-sector, intergenerational coalition of activists.

ALL CUPE members who are also OMERS members are eligible for this free training.

Interested? Fill out the application by Thursday, December 22; you’ll hear back from us in January.

Questions? Contact: [email protected]

Can’t make it? Further training dates are planned for in 2023.

Equity as well as sectoral and geographic diversity will be considered in selecting participants for this training.

Event Dates/Times:

February 25 – 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (Lunch provided)

February 26 – 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.


Funding is not available for members to attend. It is a free training opportunity.

Deadline to submit your application form: December 22, 2022.