September 6, 2021 all day America/Toronto Timezone
Locations across Ontario

On Monday, September 6, and over the weekend leading up to the Labour Day holiday, CUPE Ontario members will take part in Labour Day events in communities across the province.

The annual celebration has its roots in the labour movement’s fight for an eight-hour day and celebrates the many gains unions have struggled for on behalf of all workers, including health and safety regulations, parental leave, better wages, pay equity laws and same-sex spousal benefits.

Please join your fellow unionists at the Labour Day event in your area.

(This page will be updated regularly–check back often!)

Toronto Mon. Sept. 6 from 10:00am-12:00pm: Join us for the Labour Day 2021 cavalcade as we call to Rise Up for a Just Recovery. On Monday, September 6, 2021, the Labour Council will lead a cavalcade of cars and bikes through the streets of Toronto, from Nathan Phillips Square to Queen’s Park, and we want you to be a part of it. Together we will mark key locations in labour’s history, and show that this Labour Day, we are rising up for a just recovery.

WHERE: Bay Street (beside Nathan Phillips Square)

We are meeting beside Nathan Phillips Square at 10 a.m. to decorate vehicles and share last minute details about the morning’s events. We will leave Bay and Queen at around 10:30. Vehicles will park on the west side of Bay (beside Nathan Phillips Square) faced southbound (towards the lake).

TO JOIN THE CAVALCADE, PLEASE DRIVE SOUTH ON BAY STREET FROM COLLEGE, AND WHEN YOU SEE THE LINE, PULL IN TO THE CURB LANE. Click here to download the full information about the cavalcade. Click here to download the route map.


Peterborough Mon. Sept. 6: “Workers are the Recovery,” our virtual Labour Day event, will go live on our Facebook page on Monday, September 6 and this year’s theme is Workers are the Recovery. We are currently gathering various videos, including greetings from Canadian Labour Congress President Bea Bruske. If your Local, Affiliate, or Representative has a 3 to 5 minute video message that they would like to share on the theme, please email it to [email protected] by August 26.
Waterloo Due to unforeseen circumstances, The Waterloo Regional Labour Council has decided to cancel the 2021 Labour Day Picnic. This was a challenging decision, but we have already begun planning for the next year!

Those that ordered food will have their money refunded in the next couple of days.

Sarnia Mon. Sept. 6 at 9:30am: Sarnia’s annual Labour Day Parade is heading back downtown, after moving off city streets for a closed-to-the-public, live-streamed version in 2020 amid COVID-19. On Sept. 6, 9:30 a.m., the parade will run from Wellington at Christina streets, up Front Street, and to Centennial Park. It will be the 119th iteration of the country’s longest-running annual Labour Day parade, which, in non-pandemic years, would see some 3,500 union members and others take part, and thousands more line the streets to watch, said the Labour Council’s Arlene Patterson.
Lindsay and District Labour Council Sun. Sept. 5 at 1:00pm: You are all invited to Lindsay & District Labour Council’s Drive / walk-through Labour Day Event: we will have back to school kits / Goodie Bags!

Please bring a non-perishable food item to Kawartha Lakes Food Source on Sunday, September 5, 2021 at 1 pm, at Old Mill Park, 16 Kent St. E., Lindsay; COVID-19 protocols will be respected. For info, call 705-878-8771 or email [email protected]. Click here to download the poster for this event.

Windsor Mon. Sept. 6 from 10:00am-2:00pm: Labour Day BBQ drive-thru at Fogolar Furlan, 1800 North Service Rd E. FREE hot dogs, pop, and gifts for kids while supplies last! (Veggie dogs available: please specify at time of online order.) ATTENTION: PLEASE PRE-REGISTER (contact tracing) and pre-order food ONLINE at tinyurl.com/windsorlabourday. Click here to download the poster for this event.
Leeds & Grenville Labour Council Monday, September 6 from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m.: drive-in Concert at Spencerville Fairgrounds
Contact: [email protected]
Website: https://www.leedsgrenvillelabour.ca/
Durham Region Labour Council Monday, September 6, after 11:00 a.m.: virtual Event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DurhamRegionLabour
Contact: [email protected]
Website: https://www.durhamlabour.ca/
Northumberland Labour Council Monday, September 6 from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m.: Labour Day Art Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1655962604607872/?ref=newsfeed
Labour Day Car Caravan: https://www.facebook.com/events/800396877297342/?ref=newsfeed
Contact: [email protected]
Website: https://www.northumberlandlabour.ca/
Kingston and District Labour Council Monday, September 6 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.: Labour Day Parade and Picnic
March starts at 10:00 a.m. from Doug Fluhrer Park to City Hall; celebration at Victoria Park afterwards.
Contact: [email protected]
Website: https://www.kingstonlabour.ca/
Lanark & District Labour Council Labour Day Student Poster Competition: https://www.facebook.com/LanarkLabourCouncil/photos/a.113131040549334/270186671510436/
Contact: [email protected]
Grey Bruce Labour Council Sunday September 5 from 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.: in-person gathering at Queens Park Bandstand (down from the library), 848 1st Ave W, Owen Sound
Contact: Dave Trumble, [email protected], Chris Stephen, [email protected]
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GBlabour/
Website: https://www.greybrucelabour.ca/
Barrie and District Labour Council Thursday, August 26 at dusk, at Sunset Drive-In Theatre, 134 Line 4 South, Highway 11, Barrie, ON
Pre-registration required-Registration is now closed
Website: [email protected]
North Simcoe Muskoka & District Labour Council Monday, September 6, 9:00 a.m.: Video Address on Facebook
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nsmdlc/
Contact: Mike De Rose: [email protected]
Hamilton & District Labour Council Monday, September 6: Labour Day Car Caravan at City Hall to Starlite Drive-In
Details TBA on website
Website: https://www.hamiltonlabour.ca/labour_day_2021
Ottawa and District Labour Council Monday, September 6 from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.: Labour Day March 2021 at Ottawa City Hall (Elgin and Lisgar Street)
Contact: Jennifer at 613-233-7820 or [email protected]
Website: https://ottawalabour.nationbuilder.com/labour_day_2021
Peel Regional Labour Council Monday, September 6 at 10:00 a.m.: Labour Day Caravan Parade Drive 2021, starting from Square One Parking Lot, left side of City Hall Mississauga
Contact: Cheryl Craig at [email protected] or 905-696-8882
Website: https://www.peellabour.ca/labour_day_2021_car_caravan
Sudbury & District Labour Council Monday, September 6 from 10:15 a.m. to 1:15 p.m.: Labour Day Car Parade and Rally 2021, starting from MacIsaac Drive near Paris St
Website: https://www.sudburylabour.ca/labour_day_2021
Thunder Bay & District Labour Council Sunday, September 5 at 6:30 p.m.: Labour Day 2021 at the Movies
Boomer’s Drive-In (600 Pole Line Rd, Murillo)
Contact: [email protected]
Website: https://boomersdrivein.ca/tickets/labour-day-2021/