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August 26th, 2009

TORONTO, Ont. – Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Ontario today hailed a decision by Simcoe County Council to impose a one-year moratorium on development of the proposed Site 41 landfill.

“We are thrilled and pleased that the people of Simcoe County, members and supporters of the Beausoleil First Nation, the Council of Canadians and other concerned citizens have helped Simcoe County councillors to find their moral compass and do the right thing,” said CUPE Ontario President Sid Ryan.

“The moratorium will give everyone time to ensure that the Alliston Aquifer will continue to remain one of the purest sources of water in the world,” he added.

CUPE Ontario also commended councillors for voting to withdraw civil lawsuits leveled against protestors who were simply attempting to make their voices heard and stop the foolhardy rush to potentially pollute a source of water scientists have long maintained is one of the world’s most pristine.

“The Guardians of Pure Water, the brave retirees and farmers, everyone who had the courage to point their way using peaceful demonstration in the face of such intimidation are the real heroes of this story, and we are so proud of what they have accomplished.  It is deeply humbling and such an honour for us to have been able to assist them in their struggle,” said Ryan.


For more information, contact:

Sid Ryan   CUPE Ontario President  416-209-0066

Kevin Wilson  CUPE Communications   416-821-6641

Click here to view the Council of Canadians Victory on Site 41