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 Dear Brothers and Sisters:

 I am writing to inform you that there will be a simultaneous
 rally/protest across all Canada on July 28th 2008.  Each local base is
 responsible for co-ordinating their protest.  Once advised of the
 locations, and times, I will let you all know.  This Nation wide
 protest will hopefully be most effective in applying pressure on Air
 Canada to reverse their decision of closing bases and layoffs. I would
 like to ask that you please inform your members of this protest, and
 if possible to attend.  I will forward more information as it becomes

 Enclosed in this document is also a letter template to protest Air
 Canada’s application to apply for exemption from Division IX of the
 Canada Labour Code, and to stop the base closures. Please forward it
 to all your respective locals, to be distributed to all of their
 memberships. We need your help!  We need to flood Members of
 Parliament, especially Honourable  Blackburn, Minister of Labour, with
 e-mail correspondence.  Division IX provides for the establishment of
 a joint planning committee. This committee would be composed of
 company and union representatives.  The objectives of this committee
 are to develop an adjustment program to:

 1. eliminate the necessity for the termination of employment; or
 2. minimize the impact of the termination of employment on the
 redundant employees and to assist those employees in obtaining other

 This is unacceptable and unfair.  Federal legislation is available to
 us and we need to demand access to that legislation.

 We have a very short time window to persuade the federal government to
 deny Air Canada’s request.  Please take action now and show Air Canada
 that it cannot demean us.

 1. Open the Word document and save to your hard drive
 2. Cut and paste the link following to a new window in your Internet
 browser to determine who your Member of Parliament. All you need to do
 is input your postal code:
 lCo de.aspx?Menu=HOC

3. Once you see who the Member of Parliament is, open a new window in your e-mail program to compose a new e-mail.

4. In the “to”  field, type the e-mail address of the Member of Parliament; please copy
 [email protected]

5. in subject line, type “Air Canada Flight  Attendants need Division IX, Halifax and Winnipeg bases!” 

6. cut and paste the template letter into the e-mail window

7. insert the name of your Member of Parliament.  When you write to
Minister Blackburn, his name is already in the template

8. add your full address.

9. sign your name at the bottom and include your home telephone number

 Paul Zamperin
 Vice President, CUPE Local 4092
 Cupe Local 4092
 Lester B. Pearson International Airport Terminal 1, Service Level Room
 EBS116 Toronto, Ontario
 Tel: (905) 676-4293
 Fax: (905) 676-4763
 e-mail: [email protected]
 Web site: